Wednesday, March 2, 2011

El Jordan - La Rincanada

Hey everyone, first off sorry for how long it is between blog posts right now, but we don't have internet at the house so we have to go to internet cafe's for that and it just doesn't happen that often. Anyways I hope this post finds you all well and that God is showering blessings on all of you.

Hmm now where to start, a lot has happened since my last post, I guess one thing is both Tim and I are healthy, so praise God for that! I guess the most entertaining part of the last week and a half came this past Saturday, the 19th I do believe but it might have been the 12th.

Anyways on that Saturday we worked with El Jordan. They were having a celebration day where they took all the kids they work with who got over a 50 on their report card. Now that may not seem like much, but everything is marked out of 70 here so it's actually about a B + or above. Anyways, there were 20 kids, and the original plan was to take them out to El Jordan's property outside the city and do a bunch of activities with them, including: slip and slide, swimming, horse rides and a scavenger hunt. Sadly however there was too much rain and the roads were too bad to make it there.

But that is okay because we had an awesome secondary plan! We got to El Jordan in the morning and had a brunch of pancakes with the kids, and once that was done we went to this park outside the city, but not so far as to make it impossibly to get there. It was called La Rincanada and was insanely gorgeous. We started out by playing on what is probably one of the coolest playgrounds ever, continued on the look at the fish in their aquarium, and then headed off exploring. There were ton's of beautiful things to look at. First off there was the pond which was super beautiful and then there was all the paths through the trees with tons of different cool plants and things to look at, and just when the kids started getting bored we found the... zipline! The kids loved that, it was not super huge or anything but it was definitely big enough for them to have an awesome time. Then once everyone was done with that we went swimming in the pools. There were multiple pools to swim in but we spent most of the time in the kiddie pool since not many of the kids knew how to swim. Even still, the kids had a blast and it was totally worth it! All to soon the day was over and we had to go back, once we got back to El Jordan we had corn on the cob and hot dogs which the kids really enjoyed and it was all in all a good day. Once the food was finished the kids left and we headed home. 

Here are just a few pictures from the day:

The entrance to La Rincanada
 The Playground, it was all made out of cement and all of it was in the shape of animals. Frog teeter-totters, elephant and crocodile slides, a snake swinging bride, and a turtle climbing dome, pretty sweet.
The group of guys Tim and I were in charge of, just hanging out on an elephant slide, no big deal.
The Aquarium
Just a few of the many colorful fish at the aquarium
The pond and its backing
I found a bit of time to try out the zipline, as you can see I was loving it.
The kiddie pool, again everything is in the shape of animals.
The guys enjoying some spraying water from the singing frogs (see below)
The Singing Frogs!
Just hanging out in the pool, the ball caused a lot of mischief however
 As you can see the kids loved it an it was a huge success even if it wasn't what we had originally planned. Thankfully it didn't rain at all even though the forecast said it would all day! Praise God! It is such a blessing to be a part of these kids lives, they are some of the most amazing people I've met. Anyways hopefully you enjoyed hearing about the day, God Bless.

Shalom, Michael

1 comment:

Karen said...

Glad to hear of all the sacrifices you are making in Bolivia! Such a rough life you are living...
seriously though - glad you are enjoying what the good Lord has placed in Bolivia!