Wednesday, March 2, 2011

God's Wisdom and Grace

Hey guys, so I didn't blog for a few weeks and now I'm going to write a second blog in one day, oh well. So first off, God is great! At El Jordan there is a lady who was giving up her baby for adoption at birth and there was a family willing to take her. This may seem like no big deal, but it is a rare occurrence, people look down on adoption here, it's a pride thing, so it rarely ever happens but this lady wants to do it because she knows its what is best for her baby. Also, there is a possibility that the baby will have HIV and yet this family is willing to take her which is awesome. And this family is a loving Christian family so it's great! 

One other situation you should know about, this lady is choosing to have her baby at great risk to herself. She had Tuberculosis earlier in life as well as some other disease that eats at your lungs, which is caused by bugs that live in thatched roofs down here and as a result of these two, she only has part of one lung working anymore. So she could not have a natural birth, but a C-section may kill her and even though that was the case, she chose to go through with it anyways. So this morning she had her baby and both her and the child were completely healthy! Praise God! It is such an awesome situation, but at the same time please pray for it as well, because although the family should have been able to take the baby home from the hospital, there have now been complications with the paper work so they are still waiting, so pray that everything works out.

Now for a little bit of a different situation. Pray for the kids we work at in the orphanages as well as the guys at Kens place. They come from really hard situations, either they were born on the streets, they had bad family situations, or they had such bad family situations they left and lived on the streets by there own choice sometimes as young as 4 or 5. This really is hard for the kids in the homes and even the guys at Ken's place, no matter how old you are, those scars are always there, until they allow God to heal them, so pray for healing. Now I'm going to tell you the story of one specific kid at Talita Cumi, he is amazing and I'd like you to pray for him and his sister.

Now this kid, I really connected with him when I first got to Talita Cumi. He is a loving, kind, joyful kid. He's about ten and just is full of life, and I was shocked when I learned his story. He has only been at Talita Cumi for six months and the reason he came there is because his dad killed his mom right in front of him. He saw everything. His dad was sent to jail and him and his sister ended up at Talita Cumi. So all at once he lost his family and now he's lost every other person who has cared about him. That's because his dad escaped jail and is looking for him and his sister to kill them too, so none of his family and friends are allowed to know where he is otherwise his dad could find out. So outside of his younger sister he has essential been cut off from everyone he has ever known. He also has really only one thing left of his old life, his moms wedding ring which he wears 24/7, it is his only reminder of his mom, no pictures nothing, just the ring, and he will never be without it.

Now you'd think, at least I would, that these situations would cause a kid to be bitter, angry and unable to trust, but this did not happen. Now at first he had a bit of anger and things, but in only 6 short months he is one of the happiest most lovable kids you can meet. Now that is healing from God! But pray that that healing would continue. I feel that although the situation is horrible God is using it for good. This kid is full of love and is going to do amazing things. He has leadership qualities and is a really strong kid, I think he will do amazing things, but I also feel that had he stayed in his abusive family situation he would never have reached his potential. So although man did evil, God used it for good, feels Biblical doesn't it? 

So yes, pray for this kid, pray that God would use him and mold him into the man of God he wants him to be, and pray for all the other kids in this country, although this is only one story, each kid has their own and most are not great, so pray for each and every one of them, pray for healing, for Gods will and for me and everyone else who works with these kids that we would know how to show them love and help them find themselves and Christ in the process.

Thanks everyone, shalom and blessings,


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