Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hey guys just thought I'd let you in on what I did this past weekend. But first I will explain what this weekend was. This past weekend was Carnaval and for those of you who don't know what it is, it's a huge holiday in Latin culture. It involves tons of drinking and sex and things like that and is all around not a good time. It also involves people spraying you with dye or hitting you with water balloons and things being completely fair game. Anyways it happens every year 40 days before Easter, just in time to do everything you wont do during lent, great eh. Needless to say, the Christian community does not participate and seeing as we are missionaries here, it would be frowned upon if we did, so obviously we didn't. But many churches here leave the city for those three days in order to escape the whole situation. 
So Tim and I went out of the city to a camp for the weekend. The first day three of the guys from Ken's place came and the rest stayed to do homework and things, then for the next two days it was just me and Tim, it was still great though, we made a bunch of friends with other people there and it was a really good time. We hung out, played soccer and volleyball, threw a Frisbee, swam, had chapel, and ... slacklined! All in all it was a really good weekend. Also some of the people we met were super awesome and we'll be staying in touch long after we leave Bolivia for sure. 
We got back on Tuesday afternoon just in time to go out with the guys from Ken's place to participate in the city wide water fight. It is the one part of Carnaval that even Christians participate in. So we hopped in the back of Ken's truck with a bunch of water balloons and had some fun. By the time we were done both Tim and I were covered in dye which was pretty entertaining as it is a lot more visible on us Gringos than on the Bolivians. 

Anyways that was my weekend, oh and it was sunny and like +40ish the entire time, (Jealous Ken)? Well I hope all of you also had a wonderful weekend and that God worked in your life in some knew and exciting way. Shalom and God Bless.

1 comment:

Nikki Cameron said...

It totally looks like someone punched you in the face!! lol
