Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It's A Wonderful Life

Hola all, and Como Estas? First off, sorry about how long it's been since I last posted, it's been a busy week! Now where to start... Well I guess I give you some highlights of the week. The week started off with lots of Spanish lessons and hanging out at Ken's place, but along with that we did some errands including going to Talita Cumi for the first time to visit. Then on Tuesday we had a professional chef from church come and cook for us which was super cool and really tasty. And then on Wednesday we worked at El Jordan and did a lot of odd jobs for them, including cleaning out their water tank which took a good 5 hours to do! Side note, the water tank is on their roof and it was a really sunny day so in the end both Tim and I burnt our backs.
Then on Friday we spent our first full day at Talita Cumi which was super awesome! We mostly did odd jobs for them that day, but we are now going every Monday and Wednesday for full days so we are getting to do a lot more. Monday was our first full day there with a routine and it was a blast! We taught Guitar and Physical Education to three of the kids who had learning disabilities and don't go to school so that was super fun and I know they loved it which was good. So now we'll be doing that every Monday and Wednesday morning with them! In the afternoon we did some work projects and played with the kids, including taking all the boys to the park. It was a really good time where they were able to run off some energy which the full time staff at Talita Cumi was appreciative of. All in all Talita Cumi is a place we are quickly falling in love with and we can't wait to work there more!
Then today, Tuesday, Ken left for Canada, so we are now living at Ken's place for the next six weeks while he is gone, hopefully that all works out and that Ken's trip goes well! Please pray for him as he is going home to fund raise for a building project for his ministry. They really need to build a new home for the guys but it will cost about 200,000 dollars which he obviously does not have. Anyways it is all in God's hand so it will work out.
On a note outside of mission work, on Sunday afternoon while a lot of you were watching the Superbowl, I was watching a different game. Tim and I along with some of the guys from Ken's place went to the Classico, which is a professional soccer game where both teams from Santa Cruz are playing each other. The teams are Oriente and Blooming, and I was cheering for Blooming. Unfortunately Blooming lost 2-0 even though they played better than Oriente, which caused the crowd to get rowdy and start a little bit of a stampede, which is why there are the police with riot gear in attendance at the game. In the end from what we could tell, two people were taken away in ambulance, but hopefully they are okay.  All that being said the game was super fun and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and coming home to find out the Packers won made it just a little bit better :).
So anyways that was my week, thanks for reading! But finally a few prayer requests:
  1. For Christian who is a boy from the family we helped his family build a house. He is extremely smart and was ahead in school but since they moved they are having difficulty getting him into classes since there is no room, which is a big issue here. So as of right now he is not in school. So just pray that that would all work out.
  2. For me as I have been feeling a bit under the weather. Pray for a quick recovery from whatever I have and that it would not hinder my ministry down here.
  3. For Ken as he is in Canada, that his trip would be safe and a welcomed rest and that he would be able to raise the funds he needs.
  4. That as we continue at various ministries that God would be working through us, not us working for our own desires.
  5. That I would be able to clearly know what I am supposed to do next year, as right now I have no idea and I am a little worried about not knowing.
  6. For the ability to quickly get a hang of the Spanish language.
  7. That we would have opportunities each day to grow and teach others.
 Gracias Y Dios Bendice

1 comment:

Karen said...

Keep that thought in mind about what a wonderful life it is! If we all remembered how many blessings we have each day, even the worst day we have is better than what many others experience. Thanks for the news about what you are doing, how God is working in Bolivia, and a specific list of what to pray for. General prayers are always great, but the more specific requests help us to feel like we have a part in what God is doing in the warm and wonderful country you are enjoying!