Saturday, February 12, 2011

God is Good

So this past week God has been good. Well actually He has been great! And no, he didn’t do anything miraculous and not much has changed, but I guess it’s more that I have changed and realized God’s goodness which has always been there. That being said He has answered some of my prayer requests. For those of you who read my past blog you will have read about a boy named Christian, well he is now in school so praise God for that! We have also been quickly improving in our Spanish which is awesome! Sadly I still feel sick, but that is no reason to doubt God’s goodness. He is an awesome God! And although I still feel sick, it has not stopped me from doing anything yet so praise God for that!
So anyways, this week was good, we went to Talita Cumi, El Jordan, did Spanish, and Ken left and all was good. This week had its fair share of interesting moments however. First off we learned that catching a bus in the rain is easier said than done, they run a lot less and are often too full to get on. We worked through it however and made it to our destination, even if we were over 40 minutes late… Secondly we went to the plaza on Thursday and Ivan showed us this place where you can get frappuchinos, which were only the best thing ever! Then we watched a live band play which was super fun. And finally we played with a monkey, that’s right a monkey.
Now to explain, El Jordan have just bought a baby spider monkey for their property outside the city, but right now it’s just a baby so it is staying and Corina’s house. But on Friday we were heading out to the property to do some prep for a game day with the kids (which was supposed to be today but sadly it has rained a lot and so it was cancelled) and we got to bring the monkey along. So while we were setting up for things, we carried the baby monkey in our monkey murse as we have coined it, super cool. Then once we were done we were able to take the monkey out and hold it which I thoroughly enjoyed. And come on it’s pretty cool how many people get to carry a monkey around just because? Not many.
Anyways those are a few of the highlight from the week, but outside of those we still had lots of fun. Lots of playing with kids, teaching guitar, playing soccer, things like that! So yes, God it very good! And now for some prayer requests:
  1. Praise God that Christian was able to get into school
  2. Continued prayer for me as I am still sick. Also that no matter how I feel, I would be able to continue down here with joy.
  3. That as we continue at various ministries that God would be working through us, not us working for our own desires.
  4. That I would be able to clearly know what I am supposed to do next year, as right now I have no idea and I am a little worried about not knowing.
  5. Praise God for our ability to learn Spanish so far and for continued understanding
  6. And finally, that we would have opportunities each day to grow and teach others.
Gracias Y Dios Bendice

1 comment:

Karen said...

You have no idea how jealous I am - I used to BEG my parents to let me buy a spider monkey! As for finding out what you want to do next year, sometimes God uses closed doors rather than messages about what you SHOULD you might just need to work towards one of the good choices and He will quickly point out if he doesn't want you there :)