Monday, January 31, 2011

My Past Week

Hola All, I know it has been quite a while since my last blog and you may all think it’s been because I was crazy busy, but in fact it’s the opposite. This week was really slow. We didn’t do much, that is until this weekend. The week following my last post, all we did was hang around at Ken’s place while Ken was gone to Cochabamba. It was fun and everything just not much to blog about.

There were a couple things that happened this week though. First we went for a walk at the plaza where we saw all the kids dancing and begging for money and some looked like they couldn’t have been older than 3 or 4, it was super heartbreaking. Then later on our walk we saw a shoe store called American Pie (in Spanish “Pie” means “foot”) and then we laughed and wondered if they had called it that on purpose. Other than that nothing super crazy or story worthy happened this week, that is until this weekend.

This weekend we did a lot of different things, on Friday night we went to visit Mision Timoteo which is one of the orphanages that we will be working with a lot during our time here, most likely three times a week starting next week! Then on Saturday we got called up by Marco at 8 am and were asked to help him out, so we did. We ended up helping dig a trench for a water line for their new property in the +40 weather, good times… Then in the evening we went to The Green Hornet in theatres with Ken and the guys which was a nice change.
Finally there was Saturday which was my personal favourite. In the morning we went to church, nothing new there, but what was new was what happened while at church. During the break between worship and the sermon everyone greets and talks with each other which is cool, the funny thing is what I ended up talking about. This random guy comes up to me and starts ranting in Spanish for a few minutes until I can get a word in and tell him that I didn’t understand what he was saying. So once he knew that he went and found a translator so he could say it all again. Basically what he was saying was that he was a director for commercials and he thought I had a face for TV, whatever that means, and he wanted me to be in the commercial he was directing the next day. I would have made $200 in one day! Sadly I had to say no because I was busy, but hopefully he will ask again in the future and I can say yes! 

So anyways that’s how my day started, but the stories don’t end there. Then for lunch we went to a restaurant where Tim and I both ordered cow tongue, surprisingly it wasn’t that bad. The worst part of the meal ended up being these super weird and gross potatoes that neither of us finished, go figure. Anyways that’s one food to knock off my to eat list. Then after lunch we went down to the river to play soccer on the beach which ended up being a sand bar, it was super fun but also super muddy, so we ended up getting a little bit more dirty than planned, it was all good though because after we finished with soccer we went and swam in the river, good times. And that my friends was my super awesome week, hopefully you enjoyed hearing about it. 

Shalom and God Bless

1 comment:

Ken said...

If anyone wants to see pictures go to...