Sunday, January 16, 2011

Our First Weekend

So Tim and I have now been in Bolivia for two full days. Yesterday we landed in Bolivia at 9:50ish, after a 9 hour overnight flight in which I got only a single hour of sleep, where Ken picked us up and dropped us off at the guest house. We spent most of the morning getting settled in and around 1 Ken picked us up for lunch with the guys. We had an awesome time getting a chance to hang out at Ken's house but alas we were so tired that we kept almost falling asleep so Ken graciously drove us home after only a couple of hours. We napped for like 5 hours and then Ken picked us up for a 10PM supper of Chicken and rice, which is kind of a staple down here, after which we went home.
Then today Ken picked us up for church around 10 which was awesome! Although I could not understand much of what was said in both the worship and the sermon, it was just really good to be spending some time with fellow believers. After church was over we went out for lunch and once again had chicken and rice, luckily I enjoy it and am not sick of it...yet. The rest of the day was spent at Ken's place relaxing. 
Now I know it may seem like we are not doing much on this trip, but things will get a pick busier starting tomorrow. Such as in the morning we are being taught how to use the bus system so that we don't need to be driven everywhere and then on Tuesday we will be helping put up a gate for a house that was just bought by El Jordan, another ministry in Santa Cruz. Also sometime this week we will start our tutoring as well as our work in some of the orphanages around the city.
Anyways I hope all is well for the all of you, Shalom and God Bless.


streileinm said...

Oh I thought I would just state that we also ate a chicken and rice dish for lunch yesterday as well. Meaning 3 out of our first 4 non breakfast meals have been chicken and rice :)

Ken said...

Get used to it... =)