Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 1 - Service

So flights ended up being quite an uneventful time. I didn't even come close to missing a flight, and I met up with Tim in Toronto with no problem. The only downside was the flight from Miami to Santa Cruz left at 10:50 yesterday and arrived this morning at 9:50, which would not be a problem except, I can't sleep on planes and was running on 2 hours of sleep from a nap I took in the Toronto airport. So now it is 4:05 in the afternoon and I need a nap. But before I do that I thought I would post my thoughts on the purpose of this trip. 
So far this trip has not had any problems and it has been great, I am so blessed to be here and cannot wait to see what twists and turns are ahead. I feel so lucky that I can go do something like this when so many people cannot even afford to buy their next meal, God has truly blessed me. 
But I need to remember not to take this blessing for granted. Just as God has blessed me, he has called me to be a blessing to others. Now I do not mean that in a conceited way, I mean that he has called me to serve and through service God's shines through and thus others are blessed. The following is a section from a journal I wrote on the subject.

Change and Service
Change the world. A short, simple sentence with huge implications This is what God calls us to. To commit our lives to changing the world through serving him. When we humbly serve in love we have the power to impact the world. We can change: division, hate, corruption, faithlessness, starvation, sinful lives, greed, consumerism, media influence, selfishness, suicide, abortion, non-Christian government, anorexia and so much more: we can change the world.
We don't have to settle, settle for where we are at. We don't need to be complacent, to feel like we are where we need to be. If we are not growing and moving forwards we are sliding back. And just because you're one person does not mean you cannot do anything. And don't shoot small. Change your family, your friends, your neighbors, your community, your city, your country, people around the world, and the world itself. Then while you do this you yourselves will be changed.
But whatever you are called to, don't let anyone tell you it is too big or you are too small. The Bible is riddled with stories of little people that God used for huge change. Abraham, Moses, David, Esther, Elijah, Samuel, Isaiah, Peter, Stephen, Paul, and so many more All these people were "unimportant" figures whom God used for the miraculous. So why can't you through Gods help and power do the same?

I feel that this passage sums of some of what I want out of this trip. I want to serve God with everything I have and I want it to have an impact and I have faith it will. Now I can't say for sure how big that impact will be, but it will be whatever kind of impact God wants it to be and that is enough for me. Anyways it's time for that nap, so I hope that this was an encouragement to you. Also I will update on what we have been up to on our first day sometime tonight, until then Shalom and God Bless.

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