Friday, January 14, 2011

Departure Day

So it is 3:42 am on January 14th and I am now writing my first blog post. I finished packing all of two minutes ago and I need to be at the airport at 5. I feel that I could have postponed packing a whole extra hour, but alas it is probably better that I didn't. 
I cannot believe that I am finally going to be leaving for Bolivia, the place I have been waiting to go to for 9 months now! I am so excited, but at the same time it does not seem real yet. I'm sure once I get there all of that will change however. 
Today I will be leaving the -20 weather of Saskatoon for the +20 of Bolivia [with +20 not even being that warm for there]. I'm sure this along with all the other differences will be quick a shock to the system. But I know that no matter what, I am going where God called me so I am content no matter what hardships might come through this trip. 
As I am so close to leaving, I cannot help but look back on how God brought me to this point and I am amazed. If you would have asked me in high school what I wanted to be doing with my life, I might have said a doctor or an engineer, but secretly I have always wanted to be a missionary, at least a little bit. But although that is the case, I would never have said so, it seemed so foolish and unreasonable, and yet now, here I am preparing to leave for a 5 month missionary internship, and I am stoked!
God is so good and he knows where we are supposed to be, even when we don't and I know that I am now going to go where I am supposed to be, at least for now. This summer I had felt called to go to Bolivia and I am so blessed that I am now about to see that calling turn into a reality. Along with this feeling of being called, God had laid on word on my heart, "service" and now I get to see what that word is all about. I don't know how he will use me or when or why or how often, but I know he will because he called me here and for that I am blessed.
Although I need to go and get a few things finished quickly before I leave I wanted to let you know what my next post will be about. My next post will explain in more detail what that work "service" really means to me. When I first felt God lay that word on my heart I journaled about it and my next post will put down some of my thoughts from that journaling session. Anyways until next time, shalom and God bless.


Ken said...

+ 20? When did you check? The middle of the night? When you read this comment you will be enjoying out balmy +35. =) Glad you're coming (or already here when you read this!). It's going to be a fun five months my friend!

streileinm said...

I don't remember when I checked Ken, but whenever I did the weather was +20 but as you may see I posted this in the wee hours of the morning, like 3ish hence the +20