Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Experiences - SCS Team

Hey Guys,

So thought I’d give you an update on the last couple weeks because they have been super full and exciting, and I have not blogged about anything I’ve done for a long time. So two weeks ago the SCS team came and Tim and I had the opportunity to work with the team the entire time they were here, it was almost like we were part of the team which was super cool. It was also super fun for me because I knew a lot of the team members and had even had the opportunity to coach a few of them in SR. Guys volleyball this past fall. Needless to say it was a super awesome experience. I got to connect quite a bit with some of the guys and I’m excited to hang out with them when I get home. Anyways, while they were here we got to work with a few different ministries outside of Ken’s place. Such as: El Jordan, Mission Timoteo, YWAM Bolivia and we also got to go to the women’s prison.

Even though we have been here for 4 months, it was an eye opening experience even for me because we got to work and do things we don’t normally do down here. Such as we got to go into the canals and spend time with the street kids. Like we get to work with a lot of people coming off the streets and have talked to random people we’ve met while walking on the streets but nothing so direct. Like these were the kids who were super high and lived in the darkest of places. It was a good reminder of where the people we work with come from. Like all of the guys in Ken’s house lived on the streets, most for more than five years and sometimes it’s easy to forget. They are such amazing guys and often it’s hard to even notice that they have a different past than you and me. So anyways it was definitely a blessing to get to do that with the team.

The other awesome part about being with the team was seeing the growth in the youth. I remember how impactful this trip was for me when I got to go and it was cool to see the same thing happening for some members of the group. I was talking with Tim after the team left and even he was able to see growth in members of the team, even without knowing them beforehand, so it was definitely cool that there was that much change in them. All in all the time with the team was an extreme blessing and I am super lucky to have gotten that experience as I don’t think any SCS alumni have ever had that chance before. Anyways that is a quick update on my time with the team and if you want to know more feel free to email me or talk to me when I get home. Also later on I will do a second post about the trip we took into the jungle right after the team left.

Anyways God Bless,
Shalom - Michael

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