Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hey Guys,

This again is not a blog about any specific events in Bolivia but rather about lessons I have been learning, so there's your warning now you are informed and can decide whether to keep reading or not.

Anyways here goes... So this past month I feel that God has been trying to teach me about possessions. Specifically that possessions in this life are not important. That doesn't mean we can't have possessions, it just means we need to be careful how much value we put in them. And this is how God taught me...

So on my trip to Bolivia I brought down 3 items which I was trying very hard not to get wrecked, these 3 items were the most expensive and therefore in my mind the most important to keep safe. They were my: Ipod, Camera, and Laptop. Then about a month ago my Ipod was stolen, bummer deal. I was disappointed but you know I realized it was just a thing and so I got over it pretty quickly. But apparently I hadn't learned my lesson because yesterday was Children's Day and we had taken about 50 kids from El Jordan to the zoo. So for obvious reasons I took my camera along. So once we got there I pulled it out and started snapping pictures of the kids. The first few turned out fine but then in a matter of about 3 seconds, my camera broke. I don't know how or why, but it did. I took a photo, it was clear everything was good and then I took another one and it was all out of focus. Now I don't know a lot about the inner workings of camera's but from what I can tell the internal focusing mechanism broke. I say this because no matter whether it's on manual or auto focus, the pictures come out blurry, every time. Anyways this really kind of put a bummer on my day and was a lot harder to take than losing my Ipod because now I don't have any way to take photo's of what I'm doing while down here, but oh well though that's life. Luckily Tim, the guy I'm here with, still has a camera so I'm just getting all of his photo's for the rest of the trip.

Anyways that's what's happened lately to my stuff and I think maybe God was telling me that although it's not bad to have these things, we can't put too much value in them because they are earthly and can be gone in an instant. Anyways I think/ hope I learned my lesson and hopefully my laptop wont disappear or get broken because I need it for school next year! Anyways I feel it's a good reminder and we should all once in a while look at our lives and at our possessions and make sure that God is first and that we have our priorities straight. And not only that but even if possessions are not first in our lives, that we don't put to much value in the things of this earth (Matthew 6:19-21).

Well that's all for now, God bless.
Shalom Michael

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! Such a great lesson that we can all learn from!