Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Hey All!

Well I'm posting this in the Toronto airport (yay for free wifi!) and I guess I should tell you that I arrived here safe and sound. It's almost 1 and I'm just waiting for my bus but I assume that should go fine as well. Anyways the rest of this blog was written in Miami but their wifi is expensive so it didn't get posted until now, anyways enjoy!

Well I’m now officially back in North America, in the Miami Airport drinking a Starbucks coffee, the coffee is amazing by the way. Although this will not be posted until later because I’m not willing to pay $5 for 30 minutes of wifi. Anyways I’m thinking to myself, how did I get to this point. The point where I feel like South America is my home, Bolivia is my home, the guys and Ken’s house are my family. And it’s a cool thought, I know I still have a home and family back in Saskatoon and I am very excited to go home but I also have another home, and a family in Bolivia who I already miss like crazy. Those guys are my brothers and the people I worked with were my closest friends, the kids I hung out with are like my kids and in every way I miss all of them. I think I like the way my pastor in Bolivia said it: “Remember all of us and let your family and your church family in Canada know that you also have a family here in Bolivia”. It’s not that I’m replacing one for the other, it’s that I now have two and I feel truly blessed!

I’m already trying to make plans to visit again in a year, and it’s looking good that it will happen so that is super exciting! And while I am in Canada I will definitely keep in contact with everyone back in Bolivia, but I need to not live missing the people where I’m not.  I realised the reverse of this part way through my time in Bolivia. I was really missing my family and friends back home but then I realised it was just lessening my experience there and holding me back in my relationships with the people there, and I think that the same goes for this. Like I need to continue to work at my relationships in Bolivia and keep in contacts but I have to remember that where I am is where God wants me to be right now and so I shouldn’t live with regret or anything like that. So I find joy in that and excitement at where God is taking me next. So to all you friends and family in Canada I can’t wait to see you and thanks for being so awesome while I’m there and while I was away! And for those of you in Bolivia, I will see you again soon hopefully and don’t worry I won’t forget about you and you are some of my dearest and closest friends! And to all of you God Bless!

Shalom – Michael

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